Algorithm Ch9 Medians and Order Statistics

Algorithm Ch9 Medians and Order Statistics


  • ith order statistic: the ith smallest ele. of a set of n ele.
  • minimum: the first order statistic(i=1)
  • maximum: the nth order statistic(i=n)
  • mediam: the halfway point of the set
    • n is odd, median is unique, at i = (n+1)/2
    • n is even, there are two median
      • lower median, at i = n/2
      • upper median, at i = n/2+1
    • we mean lower median when we use the phrase “the median”

The selection problem

Input: A set A of n distinct numbers and a number i, with
Output: The ele. that is larger than exactly i-1 other ele. in A(the ith smallest ele.)

  • can be solved in time
    • sort numbers using an -time algo.
      • such as heap sort or merge sort
    • return ith ele. in the sorted array

Minimun and maximum

  • can obtain an upper bound of n-1 comparisons fo finding the minimum of a set of n ele.
    • Examine each ele. and keep track of the smallest one
    • the best method

Pseudo code
finds the minimum ele. in array A[1…n]

Simultaneous minimum and maximum

  • simple algorithm to find min and max
    • n-1 for minimum, n-1 fo maximum
    • total 2n-2 comparison time

In fact, at most are needed

  • compare the ele. of a pair to each other
  • compare the larger ele. to the maximum
  • compare the smaller ele. to the minimum
  • leads to only 3 comparison for every 2 ele.


  • if n is even, compare first two ele.
    • assign larger to max
    • smaller to min
  • if n is odd, set both min and max to the first ele.


if n is even, do 1 init. and 3(n-2)/2, that is- 2
if n is odd, 3(n-1)/2 = 3floor()

  • In either case, the maximum number of comp. is <= 3floor()

Selection in expected linear time

After the call to RANDOMIZED-PARTITION, the array is partitioned into two subarrays

  • A[p..q-1] are all <= A[q]
  • A[q+1…r] are all > A[q]
  • pivot ele. A[q]

the pivot ele. is kth ele. of subarray A[p…q], where k=p-q+1

  • If the pivot is the ith smallest ele. return A[q]
  • otherwise
    • i<k, subarray is A[p..q-1], wants the ith smallest ele.
    • i>k, subarray is A[q+1…r], wants the (i-k)th smallest ele.


Worst-case running time:

  • always recurse on a subarray that is only 1 ele. smaller than previous

Expexted running time: RANDOMIZED-SELECT works well on avearge

  • a RV. T(n) to obtain E[T(n)] as follow


For k=1,2,…,n, define indicator RV. = I{subarray A[p…q] has exactly k ele.}

Since Pr{subarray A[p..q] has exactly k ele.} =
By lemma 5.1 says E[] =

T(n) <= =

Taking expected values

Rely on and T(max(k-1, n-k)) being independent RV. in order to apply C.23

Looking at the expr. max(k-1, n-k)

  • if n is even, each term up to appears exactly twic in the sum
  • if n is odd, these terms appear twice and appears once
  • either way,

Solve this recurrence by substitution,

  • Guess that
  • Assume for n < some constant
  • Also pick s.t. function described by the is bounded from above by

  • Choose s.t.

assume for , we have

Selection in worst-cace linear time

SELECT works on an array of n > 1 ele.

  1. Divide the n ele. into group of 5
    • Get groups
    • groups with exactly 5 ele.
    • if 5 do not divide n, one group with the remaining n mod 5 ele.
  2. fin the median of the groups
    • run insertion sort on each group, take time per group ( each group has 5 ele.)
    • pick the median in time
  3. find the median of the medians by recursive call to SELECT
    • if is even, find the lower median
  4. Using PARTITION takes pivot ele. as input
    • let x be the kth ele.
    • there are k-1 ele. on the lower side
    • n-k ele. on the high side
  5. there are 3 possibilities
    • if i=k, just return x
    • if i<k, return ith smallest ele. on the lower side
    • if i>k, return the (i-k)th smallest ele. on the high side


  • each group is a col.
  • each white circle is a median of a group, as found in step2
  • Arrows go from larger ele. to smaller ele., based on what we know after step 4
  • the region on the lower right is greater than x


  • at least half of the median found in step 2 x
  • Look at the groups containing these medians that are x
    • all of them contribute 3 ele. that are x
    • except the group contains x & the group 5 ele.
  • forget about these 2 group
    • groups with 3 ele. x
  • thus, at least ele. are x

symmetrically, the number of ele. x is
therefore, when call SELECT recursively in step 5, it’s on ele.

Develop, T(n)

  • step 1,2 and 4 each take time
    • step 1: making groups of 5 ele. takes time
    • step 2: sorting groups in time each
    • step 4: partitioning the n-ele. array around x takes times
  • step 3 takes time
  • step 5 takes time , assuming that is monotonically increasing

Assume for small enough n, using n 140
thus, get the recurrence
T(n) \leq


solve it by substitution:

  • pick a constant s.t. the fun. described by term  

  • last equation if

sinc we assum , we have
so choosing
in term gives us

end up

determine information about the relative order of elements
only by comparing elements

  • sorting requires time
  • sorting algo. runs in linear time, need to make some asssumption
  • linear-time selection algo. do not require assumption
  • linear-time selection solve problem without sorting, thus not subject to lower bound

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